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The meadow gets better and better

A glorious month of dry warm weather has been brilliant for the meadow that we sowed in March on the slope outside the workshop.

The slope is made up of building spoil, excavated when we extended the workshop last year and it borders the path that connects the workshop to the airstream caravan.

It was planted with some left over perennials and sown with a meadow mix of seeds from Wallis Seeds for a total investment of under £30

Much of the meadow has now gone to seed, the birds are fluttering there every morning when I come into work.

My next job is to work out how to get those seeds to take for next year.

It is quite the most beautiful thing.

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Carol Elaine Deys

Aren't meadows just plain gorgeous? We also have them to enjoy. In the view of the believer, fairies bring their magic there! Enjoy! Many blessings, Carol Elaine Deys
