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Jane’s Journal

Setting intentions with the new moon

setting intentions with new moons

I no longer set New Year's resolutions - I have found it all to be too pressured, too daunting, too much destined to fail.  

Instead for the past six months or so I have been setting intentions each new moon - choosing something specific that I want more of in my life - joy, calm, creativity, courage and so on.  Then I have a simple process for embedding that into the month - watching it grow as the moon moves to full and then take root as it wanes.

I explore more about it in this video

I have also made a free download with all the moon dates and worksheets with prompts so that you can set your own intentions.

intention setting download

If you are a Studio Clubber then this version has an extra 6 month calendar

Studio Club download

Comments: 1 (Add)

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Louise White

Thank you for inspiring us especially in the darker days of winter. Setting intentions is a good thing spiritually and creatively . I needed a little reminder thanks for that . Grateful , Louise
